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Islamabad(Sapeher Times): Right to self-determination is the fundamental right of the Kashmiri people.

Kashmiri people on both sides of the Line of Control and across the world are celebrating Kashmir Martyrs’ Day to pay homage to the martyrs of 13 July 1931.Pakistan will continue to provide full moral, political and diplomatic support to the Kashmiri brothers and sisters. The international community should stop the atrocities in Kashmir, the international community should take action on the open violations of human rights by India in the occupied Kashmir, the international community should play a role in resolving the conflict according to the resolutions of the Security Council, Speaker National Assembly said. On July 13, 1931, 22 Kashmiris were martyred by the Dogra Maharaja’s army outside the Central Jail in Srinagar. APHC appealed to the people to march towards the 1931 Martyrs’ Shrine in Srinagar. On the other hand, in Azad Kashmir Kashmir Liberation Cell, Hurriyat Organizations, political, social and religious organizations organized rallies, events and seminars in all small and big cities of Azad Kashmir to pay tribute to the martyrs of 13 July 1931.With whom they would join, perhaps the reason was that the ruler of the state of Hyderabad was a Muslim and the leaders of the Muslim League were sure that he would join the Amir Kabir state of Hyderabad to Pakistan, but this could not happen. India sent an army and captured Hyderabad, while on the other hand, the Dogra Raja of Kashmir announced its accession to India. Thus, Pakistan lost Kashmir and Hyderabad did not come to its hands either. Regarding the Kashmir problem, the United Nations Commission passed its comprehensive resolution on the Kashmir problem on January 5, 1949, which was accepted by India and Pakistan unanimously. According to this resolution, both countries were bound to stop the war in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Organize a ceasefire, withdraw the forces and cooperate with the proposed poll commissioner to hold independent polls in the state as soon as possible for the Kashmiris to decide their own future. United also decided to appoint observers with the approval of both countries. Earlier on August 13, 1948, a resolution regarding this issue was passed in which immediate ceasefire was demanded and it was also declared that the future of the state The decision will be made by the will of the Kashmiri people, which they will express through a referendum organized by the United Nations. These two resolutions are a strong and concrete reference regarding the Kashmir issue that neither the international community can ignore nor India can save its life. Referendum was appointed, United Nations observers were also appointed and in the 50s there were many efforts at the international level regarding the referendum which unfortunately could not prove successful due to India’s non-cooperation. They seem to object that since these resolutions were passed under Chapter 6 of the United Nations and the status of the resolutions under that chapter is merely that of recommendations, the role of the United Nations to ensure the implementation of the resolutions is that of Chapter 7. These resolutions should be approved under Chapter 6. This objection is meaningless in the sense that despite being under Chapter 6, these resolutions have been partially implemented and if there is any operational flaw, it is the responsibility of the United Nations to remove it. However, Kashmiris are right in demanding that their right to self-determination be ensured in accordance with the spirit of these resolutions. According to these resolutions, the Kashmir issue is not just a land dispute, but a fundamental right issue of two crore Kashmiris, which cannot be sabotaged.
India has been trying hard to make the people of Occupied Kashmir themselves or Pakistan withdraw from these UN resolutions and make a declaration to them, especially after the Shimla Agreement, it is trying to convince the international community that this problem It is bipartisan and now these resolutions have become irrelevant. Unfortunately, some elements among the Kashmiris are also becoming a means of weakening their position and strengthening the Indian position by rejecting these resolutions. Regarding the Shimla Agreement, the position of Kashmiris is clear that Kashmiris are not parties to it and the United Nations Charter itself and its resolution on Kashmir of 1957 clarify this position that the bilateral agreement does not affect the disputed status of the state. In the Sakta and Shimla Agreements, the parties, standing by their own position, called the United Nations Charter the only basis for solving the problems. Despite the Simla Agreement, during the current phase of the independence movement after 1990, including the OIC. In other international forums, resolutions regarding the right to self-determination have been approved in the light of the United Nations resolutions on Pakistan’s movement and Pakistan has also expressed its position. After the martyrdom of Burhan Muzaffar Wani, the sacrifices of Kashmiris. And persistence has attracted the public opinion of the whole world.
Earlier, India kept saying that the freedom movement in Occupied Kashmir is the result of infiltration from Pakistan. While the ongoing political and military freedom movement in Kashmir is established and permanent at all levels and the people of Occupied Kashmir rightly sent a message to India that no matter how unpleasant the situation may be for them, they will not accept the illegal rule of India. They will not accept it in any way and will continue their freedom struggle on every front. A clear and blunt message was sent to the world public opinion that this movement is the result of the freedom spirit of the Kashmiris and their passion for martyrdom. India was scared and tried everything possible to crush this movement. Even though thousands of youths were blinded and blinded through massacres, brutality and pellet guns, India could not cool down the enthusiasm of the movement. The United Nations should play its role and increase diplomatic and moral pressure on India so that Kashmiris can get their right to self-determination.